About Dr. Klich

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Dr. Klich has over 20 years of clinical experience in the area of health psychology and is board certified in biofeedback. As far back as she can remember, she has always held a passion for understanding the intricate relationship between the mind and body. She has developed expertise in chronic pain and treating complex medical disorders through her work at pain clinics and rehabilitation hospitals such as Shepherd center, where she has provided care to individuals with catastrophic injuries, neurologic, musculo-skeletal and degenerative disease, such as spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and complex regional pain disorder. Her focus is on restoring function, improving quality of life, and reducing medication dependence.

In private practice, and as a personal and executive coach, Dr. Klich has found it important to “practice what you preach.” She maintains a personal practice in mindfulness meditation and is a founding member of a mindfulness meditation group in Atlanta, GA. In line with this philosophy, she has developed clinical protocols to incorporate mindfulness into psychophysiological training with biofeedback and cognitive therapy, in her program of Mindfulness-Based Biofeedback (TM). She has found that that one does not need to suffer a traumatic injury or be diagnosed with a serious illness to achieve benefits with the treatment. Dr. Klich points out that mindfulness-based practice is accessible to anyone who recognizes a need for change and seeks help. She is committed to helping people bridge the gap between their current way of living and their potential. As a clinician, she has cultivated a treatment philosophy of integrative medicine focused on fostering each individual’s healing power to improve their well-being.

Licenced Clinical Psychologist, Georgia PSY 002933

To inquire Dr. Klich’s seminars in personal transformation and healing, email DrKlich@mymindfulwayoflife.com

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10 thoughts on “About Dr. Klich

  1. Steve Blaue / 807 6th Ave. SE / Pipestone, MN / 56164

    My name is Steve B. I am a new 60 yr/old (yikes!) from Pipestone, MN. I formerly practiced anesthesia as a CRNA.I had to “retire” from that in ’04. Now` I am a practicing counselor. My neurologist is Dr.”Fanny” Jacquez.She also practices in the Atlanta area, although, I am not certain of which hospital or practice she is associated with. She knows of you and speaks highly of you, hence, this reply to you. I thought there might be a chance you may know each other. I am anxious to learn more of your approach in Mindfulness Meditation.

    1. Urszula Klich Post author

      Dr. Fanny is a wonderful doctor. I am glad you are checking this out. Please look around the website and let me know what questions you may have. I recommend you click on the “30 Day challenge” tab on the toolbar and read the articles posted there. You will find that the first article is from an interview for an MS magazine.

      Dr. K

  2. Barb Saxton

    Dr. Klich has been so helpful and kind about helping me get what I need to be able to begin my meditation. She really cares! I’m sure that’s why my doctor recommends her.

  3. Al Cutturini

    Hi, Dr. Klitch. You were my freshman dorm RA at SUNY Brockport 1990. (Sorry about my behavior back then) Glad to see you have a thriving practice. Did you ever get a pet lemur?

  4. shaheen

    Hi Dr.klich my name is shaheen am from India actually i want to share something with you i have read about you alot actually its about my mom she is 41 yrs old she has migraine problem its been 24 years now and she is still suffering from this problem Doctors give her ibuprofen,ambulax and many more medicines i even don’t know the names currently she is taking naxdom 500 mg bt still my mom is in the same position i don’t know what to do now i need help i want to see my mom happy again please help me just let me know what would i have to do for my mom’s better health i hope you read this and help me.

  5. Urszula Klich Post author

    Shaheen, I am sorry about the situation. Can you please send me your email.
    Dr Klich

  6. Pingback: Here’s what happens when you take this once a day

  7. Catherine Mulhall

    Hi Dr. Klich,

    Just checking with you to thank you for your compassion while I was your patient. I recently read an article you wrote about compassion in the therapeutic relationship. Specifically, the therapist’s own ability to empathize with herself. Something of that jist. That articulates perfectly .
    My experience of over 35 years in various conventional therapeutic situations concurs with everything I read in your article. A useful tool to add to the pile for therapists to tap into is their own self compassion. I’ve experienced it.


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