Sharon Salzberg Meditation Challenge- Day 16 Begin again

sunrise by

Begin Again

How is sit-sit-sitting
going to help?
When all I wanna do
is yell-cry-yell!

Okay okay okay
I’ll try again anyway.

I take a deep breath,
notice where my attention goes,
find I’m feeling grateful
for my amazing nose.

But then I remember
so much work to do,
and I’m not limber,
and I’m mad at you.

“Notice, simply notice,”
the calm voice says,
and I start to realize
the power in my head–

when I simply notice,
name, and let go,
this future-tripping
falls away like snow.

This judging and anger–
it’s ok they’re there,
but they’re not the same as me,
and I am everywhere.

Another deep breath
as my hands begin to warm,
and I forget to worry
about my lack of perfect form.

None of us are perfect,
and that’s okay.
Somehow each and every moment
can be the start of a new,
perfectly imperfect day.

                                  -Signed, Meditating Poet.

 Some days we want to never end, some days we may count down the minutes.  The moments contained in each of those days is precious in its own way, and possibly informative if we can stay present.  Each breath can be a resetting of the clock to signal a new beginning, even if only to get through a moment of difficulty.  Starting anew, beginning again is a way for us to refresh ourselves.

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