Meditation CDs

For all your Mindfulness-based Biofeedback needs

Welcome to our Mindfulness-Based Biofeedback product market!  If you are looking for custom relaxation baskets with meditation CDs and signature eye pillows, please email us to discuss your needs.





The exercises on these CDs combine the science of two well- researched treatments: mindfulness meditation and biofeedback. Mindfulness-based meditation helps create the space for change to be possible. Biofeedback provides the avenue for modification through self-regulation. On your journey you will be guided through specific methods to help you quiet your mind, find greater clarity, discover the wisdom you have gained through your life experiences, and harness your own healing power. You will be instructed in simple breathing techniques that will help you navigate the process of relaxation and learn how to bring your body back to a state of balance.

4 thoughts on “Meditation CDs

  1. Lauren Taylor

    I purchased My Mindful Way of Life audio companion in order to help me relax, find peace and learn to calm my mind. I have also been looking for a beginner’s meditation audio guide to recommend to my my counseling clients in my practice. I have tried to teach myself to meditate by just sitting down and doing it, but I find myself not feeling good about my abilities, although I have a strong desire to create a daily meditation practice.

    Since I purchased the audio companion, I have been listening and practicing the guided meditation regularly. I have learned some helpful tools that are helping me in learning to meditate. I am finding ways to let my worried thoughts drift past instead of holding on to them. I am practicing letting go of judgement by noticing it as it comes up, giving it a name and then letting it go.

    Urszula’s calming voice and the soothing sounds of nature in the background allow the listener to find inner serenity and begin to learn and practice the joyful practice of mindfulness meditation. Thanks you Urszula! The gift of a calm, peaceful mind something that I have within me when I calm my mind, and your audio companion has given me the tools to make that part of my life! I will recommend this to my friends and clients. It is a great guide for learning mindfulness meditation.I
    With gratitude,

    Lauren Crawford Taylor, LCSW

    1. Lisa McCarver

      I love all the cds. I have learned to over come anxiety and biofeedback has been a huge game changer for me..
      I can close my eyes breath in the breath , let it out.
      clean my mind for all the challenges in the world.
      Be kind to one another.

  2. Dr. K

    Lauren, I am glad the exercises are helping you progress in your mindfulness practice and can be a resource for your clients!

  3. DoctorMom

    Dr. Klich’s cd and mind-body-spirit bath salts are a much appreciated and needed combination for this working mother and doctor. While I’ve tried many different relaxation cd’s, the exercises on Dr. Klich’s take me to a deeper relaxation and state of mind-body awareness. I will certainly be recommending her work and products to friends and patients. Well done!


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