Real Happiness at Work: An Interview with Sharon Salzberg

Walking through the mountains, we heard the entrancing melodies of kirtan sung by Krishna Das and friends echoing intensely over the sound of our footsteps on the gravel trails. We were at Menla mountain retreat for the Power of a Loving Heart seminar. Menla is a special spiritual place, located in the Catskill Mountains of New York and affiliated with Tibet House. The land had been donated for the purpose of such retreats and has been deemed by many, including the Dalai Lama, during one of his stays, as having great spiritual power. Continue reading

Where Did the Magic Go?

It was such a beautiful time, and now you just want to pull the covers over your head, or worse yet, bite someone’s head off!  How do you tell if you are just tired or having post-holiday blues?  It’s normal to turn toward a more introspective place as company leaves, holiday parties die down, and visions of sugarplums are replaced by the daily commute and the realities of everyday life.  Continue reading

Bringing Compassionate Love Into Our Communities

compassion meditation loving kindness wendy saunders

“A void of loving relationships and feelings of connectedness in our

Communities is jeopardizing our personal well-being and the well-being

of everyone around us.”

In a recent journal article, Wendy Saunders poses that our entire culture is shifting to become more individualistic and less connected.  In her role as the executive director of a large metropolitan YMCA, she is in a prime position to observe the consequences of this growing trend.  In fact, Saunders challenges us to consider that the resulting detachment is jeopardizing not only our personal well-being but also the larger well-being of our communities, organizations, and businesses.  She notes that the phenomenon appears to be getting worse as people, often overwhelmed themselves, in turn, are giving less of themselves to others.  Many believe civility is needed to reverse the progression.  Wendy goes a step further, Continue reading

Nowhere – Now Here – Farm: An Interview with Linford Detweiler of Over the Rhine

As the tuning chords strummed by Karin Berquist and Linford Detweiler reverberated in the intimate space of Eddie’s Attic a couple of weeks ago, on the warm evening of August 23, I noticed the rapt attention of the audience. We were all fully present, Continue reading

From Irritation to Appreciation: Take the Gratitude Challenge

My Mindful Way of Life Gratitude Dr. Klich

In my line of work and professional interest, I often come across people who want to express that they are grateful, or at least not ungrateful, for what they have.  The phrases come out as some variant of “I know how lucky I am.”  It may be “I know it could be so much worse,” or “God wouldn’t give me anything I can’t handle and I know I should be thankful.”  Often the thoughts are triggered by Continue reading

It’s just a Little Heart Attack: Why Mindfulness is About More than Just Noticing

The video below presents a serious message in a funny way. It is important to know warning signs of a heart attack, stroke, as well as serious illnesses which are life threatening if not caught early. The reason it is crucial is so that prompt and appropriate medical care can be sought. Without that second step, the first becomes meaningless.

The scenario in this video brings to mind a misconception about mindfulness meditation. Many people have begun using the term mindfulness synonymously with simple attention to something as in the idea of being “mindful” or “aware” of whatever one is doing. Even a quick Google search will bring up a variety of mindfully-related terms ranging from mindful eating, cooking, and gardening to mindful speaking, working, and playing. These terms are all offshoots of the mindfulness meditation revolution. While the terminology may be similar, the meaning of the terms may be vastly different when arising simply from an advertising ploy attempting to capitalize on the mindful movement. The result- people are confused as to what mindfulness really is and more and more often I hear people saying they practice being “mindful.”

As a therapist I often hear people reference a variety of character quirks. They may admit that they are angry, anxious, type A, OC, tend to waste time, or some other flaw. Then, invariably, they add some variant of “that’s just the way I am” or “I have always been that way.” This later part, I have learned, Continue reading


Debbie Reagan, Freelance writer, Better Times Magazine,

The stresses we feel during holiday times are universal, regardless of the religious holidays or celebrations we embrace. Most of the busyness of the holidays falls on mothers, many of whom work full-time and/or shoulder a great deal of the family caretaking responsibility. I recently sat down with Dr. Urszula I. Klich, a Clinical Psychologist at Shepherd Pain Institute in Atlanta, Georgia to discuss how women, in particular, can avoid holiday burnout. Even before she became a mom herself she designed a program for busy moms. Now with a 13-year-old and a 2 year there is never a dull moment in this busy doctor’s life!

Dr. Klich shared with me that while it can be easy to get caught up in our lack of time, especially during the holidays, it is amazing how creative we can become when we set intentional focus on the important things that make the holidays meaningful.

Moms, who most often shoulder the burden of how the holidays play out, need to balance the pressure of meeting the expectations of her family, friends and religious community (and the expectations she places upon herself) during the busy holiday season.  I learned from Dr. Klich that oftentimes we have develop idealized images of what the holidays should be like based on past experiences and pictures presented by the media. She noted that shopping, cooking, family, and travel obligations, often leave us more stressed than joyous. Dwindling support resources due to both of the parents working, the increase of single parent and blended families, and our tendency for extended families to be spread out geographically multiplies the burdens we feel during the holidays.

“Moms’ cooking is best” is a saying that Dr. Klich finds women adapting as truth during the holidays.  She finds women have often adapted many unrealistic expectations as some type of truth that they absolutely must follow. She finds this can result in a tremendous amount of pressure, often involving self-talk related to what we think things “should” be like. She often sees women on automatic pilot attempting to play out these expectations to the point of their own exhaustion and aggravation.  Many who become prey to this situation secretly (or not so secretly) proclaim “I can’t wait until the holidays are over!”  Sadly, in those times the personal importance and spiritual meaning of the holidays is missed.

I asked her how we might manage all of these expectations and responsibilities early in the process before we begin feeling so overwhelmed and out-of-control. Her response was timely and insightful:

The problems around the holidays most often stem from three big issues: Time, Money and Habits. And all of them are impacted by our expectations. I suggest that we start paying attention to our self-talk and what we tell ourselves “should’ or “needs to be” done in certain ways.

Time: The common complaint of not having enough time in the day becomes more frequent around the holidays.

  • Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.  Write out fewer holiday cards; instead send email greetings or create one newsletter and send to everyone.  Pick up deserts at a favorite bakery rather than pushing yourself late at night.  Sure the personal touch is nice but it loses its significance when you end up feeling too tired, stressed, and irritated to enjoy the rewards.
  • Schedule time to do nothing.  Unplug your phone, delegate responsibilities.  Take a bath, read.  Don’t have the time?  You will actually become more efficient if you refresh yourself.

Money:  If there is ever a time we are aware that we need it, it is now.  As if our own dreams were not enough we are constantly bombarded by images from the media of what we need.

  • Keep the financial pressures at bay by planning a budget.  Know your spending limit.  That means adjust your spending to the amount of money you can afford NOT the other way around! Don’t give into pressure to buy from a sense of obligation. Remember that you will have to pay later for the decisions you make now.
  • Head to the stores armed with lists.  Avoid last-minute splurges out of desperation.
  • Remember the purpose of giving and the message you want to send.  Inexpensive personal gifts are more meaningful and often more appreciated than ones with a hefty price tag.
  • Telling ourselves that we “need” something often helps to convince ourselves that we cannot live without it.  Ask yourself honestly, “is this really something I need, or do I just want it”?

Habits: Remember, busyness often creates poor choices that can lead to poor habits during the holiday season.

  • Food affects your physical health and mood.  Overeating is an acceptable and often encouraged tradition during the holidays. Plan ahead for how you will handle the pressure to eat too many foods that are not good for you as well as the pressure to overeat.  Consider bringing a lighter alternative food to a holiday party such as a veggie or fruit plate.  Others will likely appreciate the option too.  If you slip don’t give up completely.  Tomorrow is another day!
  • Limit alcohol, and caffeine. That means chocolate as well as coffee, tea, and soda.  Both of these will affect your sleep and mood.  Consider bringing a sparkling juice or special punch to the festivities.
  • Make it your daily habit to pray and meditate. Almost every spiritual discipline proclaims the value of meditation, prayer, contemplation and silence. The most obvious benefits are greater feelings of peace, calm and managing stress. Mindfulness relaxation is a type of meditation based on the concept of being “mindful,” or having increased awareness, of the present. It uses breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress. Just 15 minutes of slow, deep breathing, when accompanied by prayer, can benefit you immensely.
  • As the holiday schedule becomes hectic it is easy to let a regular exercise routine slide.  Don’t allow this to happen.  Instead examine your obligations and priorities.  Keeping close to a regular routine will lessen the impact of holiday chaos and minimize post-holiday let down.

Thinking about all of these things may make you feel overwhelmed already, but relax.  Exploring your expectations early can help you prevent falling into the same old habits.  Then, you can enjoy yourself; even have a good time.  That will be more likely if you remember to manage your time and money, get exercise, proper nutrition, relax.  Above all don’t forget to take time to explore and celebrate your and your family’s personal and spiritual meaning of the holidays.

Better Times Magazine, December 2012

How to Mindfully Resolve a Disagreement, Dr. Klich, Mindfulness

Our guest post today comes from Dr. Ronald Alexander.  It is adapted from his book, Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose and Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss, and Change (New Harbinger Publications, 2009).

Scientists at the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research at Ohio State discovered after more than two decades of research how stress including arguments can alter the levels of certain hormones in the blood that can weaken one’s immune system, increasing their vulnerability to disease. This was especially true for women as men often “tune out” their partners in a disagreement. According to Dr. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, a scientist in the research, “We’re not saying that conflicts in marriage are bad necessarily. They’re completely normal. It’s the way the couples disagreed Continue reading

All I Needed to Know about Living a Mindful Life I Learned from a Teenager: “Swag” and other words you must know.






YOLO–You only live once. This is a term you call out when you are trying to get someone to do something but they won’t do it because they are scared.

Mindfulness, Teens, Conscious Parenting

How many times have we passed by an opportunity due to fear? It is easy to stay within the land of the familiar, even if what’s familiar is unpleasant. Over time this behavior can develop into insecurity.

~Change is not easy but can be freeing…Live life to the fullest!

Read about “SWAG” and more hip terms for living mindfully on